Simultaneous Equations

Topics you should already know...

1.Solving equations
2.Solving equations with letters both sides
3.Collecting like terms
Click the links if you are unsure of any of these topics!

Question 1- Worked example Simultaneous equations

What you need to do 

1. Write the title “Simultaneous Equations – Substitution method”

2. Copy the question in your book

3. Watch the video of the steps. 

4. Pause at the end

5. Copy the steps in your book 

Question 1- Written instructions

What you need to do 

1. watch video

2. Pause video at the end

 3. write down the instructions explaining each step (put these in your own words if you want to)

Question 2 - Different worked example

What you need to do

1. Write “Simultaneous equations with two addition symbols “

 2. Copy the question in your book

3. Watch the video of the steps. 

3. Pause at the end

4. Copy the steps in your book.

Question 2- Written instructions

What you need to do

1. Watch the video of the instructions. 

2. Pause at the end

3. write down the instructions explaining each step (put these in your own words if you want to)


This quiz is for logged in users only.

- Leaderboard for Simultaneous Equations Quiz 

-First place  Joshua Sandeman

- Score 0 Points

- Second placeJoshua Sandeman

- Score 0 Points

- Third  place

- Score

- Fourth Place

- Score