Maths Tutoring

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Maths Tutoring

Studying Maths ?

Maths tutor
What are the Benefits of

Why Pick Sandeman Tutoring for Online Maths Tutoring?


Sandeman Tutoring prides itself on being an entirely family-run company that sources highly qualified and experienced online maths tutors. With so many large tutoring companies out there students can often get lost in the mix.


This isn’t the case with Sandeman Tutoring. We personally match each of our clients with tutors who bring out the best in their students and create a happy learning environment online. Our maths tutors have years of classroom experience, are experts in their subject and are selected for their innate passion for teaching.


Our maths tutors are often exam markers for GCSE and A-Level meaning they can use this knowledge to guide their students to excellent exam results. Our over 60 5-star reviews are a testament to our great successes with former students, with most of our previous cohort smashing their target grades by one or two levels.


Working with a Maths tutor online with Sandeman Tutoring will allow your child to make great leaps in their learning journey. This is because all our maths tutors provide excellent tailor-made lessons for their students and can quickly adapt resources based on feedback or exam specifications. 


Sandeman Tutoring can also provide extras such as homework setting, exam marking resource making. Let us know if there are additional services you require and we can put together a package for you.


We also have a number of weekly group lessons in core GCSE subjects such as English, Maths and Science. 


Find out more about our Maths tutor online group schedule by sending a message to our contact page and we look forward to welcoming you to our online school community.


What’s the Benefits of Online Maths Tutoring?


Maths is an essential part of a student’s time at school, in fact, a lot of jobs or courses require at least a grade 4 in Maths at GCSE level. 


Maths encompasses a lot of different topics such as algebra, ratio, probability, statistics, geometry and measurement. By learning these concepts with a Maths tutor online students are able to use formulas in the real world to understand finances and general day-to-day math problems. 


Maths encourages students to seek solutions to questions and apply logic to situations to find the best outcome. The subject of Maths is highly transferable and useful to students as they enter employment and begin to face challenges as an adult. 


So if solving quadratic equations or converting decimals to fractions brings you out in a cold sweat, don’t worry Sandeman Tutoring is here to help you ace your Maths exams. 


What Career Path or Jobs Need Maths?


Maths is a subject that is based on reason, problem solving and logic. Choosing Maths is a great way to explore and demonstrate these skills that are crucial in many job roles. A few careers that would benefit with working with a Maths tutor online are:


  •     Financial Analyst 
  •     Investment Banker
  •     Maths Teacher 
  •     Statistician 
  •     Policy Advisor 
  •     Accountant 
  •     Actuary 
  •     Data Scientist 
  •     Computer Programmer 
  •     Purchasing Manager 
  •     Operations Research Manager



How Can Working with a Maths Tutor Online Help My Performance?


Our online tutoring is designed to be taught in a 1:1 environment with a Maths tutor online who has years of experience in private tutoring. 


By going over the course requirements, mock exams and teaching the online lessons, your tutor will be able to help you improve your overall grade and progress. 


In traditional education systems, students often fall through the cracks as classroom settings are around one teacher for every 30 students. The sheer number of students means that your teacher can’t fully support everyone in the classroom, and this is where grades and attainment suffers.


What Ages of School Students Do You Teach?


We teach all ages from 3 all the way up to 18. We have expert Maths tutors who specialise in Primary and SATS as well as A-Level subject-specific tutors. 


We welcome students of any age and have tutors ready to support all learners across the age groups.


Can I learn with Sandeman Tutoring as an Adult Learner?


Absolutely! We have worked with plenty of adult learners at Sandeman Tutoring. If you need help with GCSEs, foundation courses or A-levels get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to assist. 


What’s the Process of Selecting a Maths Tutor Online?


We streamline the tutoring selection process to make it as easy as possible. All we need is what subject you require and what age the student is and we will match you with the right kind of tutor. 


We also have tutors who specialise in SEN/SEND learning, so please just let us know if you need extra provisions. 


Can I Combine Subjects such as Maths and English?


Of course. A lot of our students at Primary level combine their lessons with Maths and English. 


But if you need to combine any other subjects, just tell us and we can put together a bespoke tutoring package for you.


Do You Have Tutors That Do All Exam Boards?


All our tutors are well-versed in all exam boards (AQA, OCR, Pearson, WJC and others). They are also able to teach IGCSE, entrance exams and all other exams depending on your requirements.


Can You Arrange Face-to-Face Tuition?


Sandeman Tutoring also offers face-to-face tuition. Specify which area you require on the contact form and we can arrange a home visit. 


Do You Offer Group Lessons with a Maths Tutor Online??


We are currently offering group lessons in GCSE exam subjects. 


Students can choose which subjects they would like to attend and get these sessions at a reduced cost per session.


This can be a great way to get an expert maths tutor online as well as other subjects for discounted rates. 



Frequently Asked Questions ?

Maths is a subject that is based on reason, problem solving and logic. Choosing Maths is a great way to explore and demonstrate these skills that are crucial in many job roles. A few careers that use Maths are:

  •     Financial Analyst 
  •     Investment Banker
  •     Maths Teacher 
  •     Statistician 
  •     Policy Advisor 
  •     Accountant 
  •     Actuary 
  •     Data Scientist 
  •     Computer Programmer 
  •     Purchasing Manager 
  •     Operations Research Manager

Our online tutoring is designed to be taught in a 1:1 environment with an expert private tutor who has years of experience in Maths tutoring.

By going over the course requirements, mock exams and teaching the online lessons, your tutor will be able to help you improve your overall grade and progress. 

In traditional education systems, students often fall through the cracks as classroom settings are around one teacher for every 30 students. The sheer number of students means that your teacher can’t fully support everyone in the classroom, and this is where grades and attainment suffer.

Sandeman Tutoring is a family-owned business that cares about delivering the best lessons with expert tutors so our students can achieve their potential. 

We only employ the highest calibre of tutors and this is reflected in our amazing exam results and student achievement.

We teach all ages from 3 all the way up to 18. We have expert tutors who specialise in Primary and SATS as well as A-Level subject-specific tutors. 

We welcome students of any age and have tutors ready to support all learners across age groups.

Absolutely! We have worked with plenty of adult learners at Sandeman Tutoring. If you need help with GCSEs, foundation courses or A-levels get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to assist.

We streamline the tutoring selection process to make it as easy as possible. All we need is what subject you require and what age the student is and we will match you with the right kind of tutor. 


We also have tutors who specialise in SEN/SEND learning, so please just let us know if you need extra provisions.

Of course. A lot of our students at Primary level tend to combine their lessons with Maths and English. But if you need to combine any other subjects, just tell us and we can put together a bespoke tutoring package together for you.

All our tutors are well-versed in all exam boards (AQA, OCR, Pearson, WJC and others). They are also able to teach IGCSE, entrance exams and all other exams depending on your requirements.

Sandeman Tutoring also offers face-to-face tuition. Specify which area you require on the contact form and we can arrange a home visit.

Yes, we do. If your children are home-schooled or you have a small cohort of students we can offer group lessons at a discounted price per student.


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