Unlock your Potential with Expert GCSE History Tutoring!

Master GCSEHistory from seasoned GCSE History tutors boasting decades of experience.

All exam boards, all levels, all courses.

Check out one of our 100s of 5 * reviews below.

My daughter had tutoring to help prepare her for school entrance exams and she had two fantastic tutors. Ritchie helped her with English and verbal reasoning, as well as interview preparation. Will helped her with math. Both tutors made her familiar with the formats of the papers she should expect and tailored the sessions to what she needed to practice. The sessions made her feel well prepared and confident for the exams and she received offers from both schools she applied to, with a small scholarship for one of them. I would happily recommend both tutors.

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Four reasons to go with us

1. We get results

  Experience the best in History tutoring with our hand-picked, highly qualified tutors. Each with decades of teaching experience in British schools, our tutors have a proven track record of significantly improving grades. With us, you’re guaranteed top-quality lessons every time.

2. Affordable

If you’re feeling the pinch we do not feel you should miss out on top quality tuition. Our cheapest package works out as £20 per hour. 

3. Family Run

Sandeman Tutoring prides itself on being an entirely family-run. With so many large tutoring companies out there, students can often get lost in the mix.

4. Personalised learning

Personalised learning pathway which can include 1-2-1 lessons, online courses and group lessons, making it as intensive as you need or relaxed as you need.

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What are the Benefits of

History Tutoring?

History can be a challenging subject, with a vast array of topics and events to cover. Students often struggle with memorising dates, events and key figures, as well as analysing primary and secondary sources. For those students who want to excel in history, additional tutoring can be a great help.

Working with a private history tutor can provide students with the one-to-one support they need to fully understand and appreciate the subject. Tutors can tailor their lessons to the student’s individual learning style, helping them to build confidence in their knowledge and skills.

A history tutor can also help students prepare for exams, including GCSE and A-levels. By working through past papers and exam questions together, students can develop their exam technique and learn how to structure their answers for maximum marks. In addition, a private history tutor can provide enrichment activities, such as field trips to historical sites, museum visits, and debates, which can bring the subject to life and help students develop a deeper appreciation for history.

Whether a student needs help with a specific topic or wants to improve their overall understanding of history, working with a private tutor can provide the support and guidance they need to excel. With flexible scheduling and personalised attention, students can feel confident and motivated to succeed in history.

A history degree can lead to a range of exciting career opportunities. Some of the most common career paths for history graduates include:

Historian: As a historian, you would research, analyse and interpret historical events, ideas and people. You could work for museums, archives, libraries, government agencies, or as a freelance consultant.

Teacher: With a history degree, you could teach history at the primary, secondary or tertiary level. This could include teaching in schools, colleges or universities.

Journalist: As a journalist with a history degree, you could work for newspapers, magazines, online publications or broadcast media, using your analytical skills to research and write about historical events.

Lawyer: Many history graduates go on to law school and become lawyers. The skills developed through a history degree, such as critical thinking and analysis, can be valuable in a legal career.

Archivist: As an archivist, you would be responsible for preserving and managing historical documents and records. You could work for museums, libraries, archives or government agencies.

Museum curator: As a museum curator, you would be responsible for managing collections of historical artefacts, creating exhibits and developing educational programs.

Researcher: With a history degree, you could work in research positions in fields such as social sciences, politics, economics, or international relations.

Public historian: As a public historian, you would work to make historical knowledge accessible to the general public. This could involve developing educational programs, working with historical societies, or writing historical content for online or print media.

Overall, a history degree can lead to a wide range of careers, depending on your interests and skills. Many employers value the analytical and critical thinking skills developed through a history degree, making it a valuable qualification for a variety of career paths.

Online tutors can confidently assess a student’s skill level and tailor a plan to push their learning for any upcoming exams. Students who are younger may also need more guidance and support through the process.

We have specialist primary tutors who are brilliant at helping younger students and allowing them to strengthen and develop their learning.

1:1 tutoring is the most effective way to improve exam knowledge and performance. In a traditional classroom setting, this is often shared with up to 30 other pupils, meaning students don’t get the provisions they need to excel.

We are proud to only select the very best Primary school tutors who have helped hundreds of students get into the schools of their dreams. They work closely with their students and support them every step of the way in the months, weeks and days before their exams.

Check out our reviews and testimonials to find out more about our amazing tutors.

We streamline the progress to make it as easy as possible for our customers.

All you need to do is send us a message via our contact form or social media and one of our team will get right back to you.  Just specify which subject you need and what level you require and we will get right back to you

Yes, of course. We can put together a tailor-made tutoring package depending on what subjects or Entrance Tests you require.

That’s not a problem. If you let us know what area you are in and we can arrange a home visit from one of our tutors. 


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