Modern Language Tutoring

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What are the Benefits of

Studying Languages ?

Approximately 43% of the world’s population can speak more than one language. However, in the UK only around 36% of the population is bilingual or multilingual. Learning another language can have excellent benefits for the brain and a person’s overall well-being.

It encourages better memory function whilst also helping you to think creatively and more flexibly about your verbal reasoning and conversations. Learning another language such as German, French, Italian or Spanish also allows students to learn more about other cultures and allows them to develop and expand their worldview.

Having language skills or being able to converse in multiple languages opens up possibilities for studying in a different country or even being allowed to work abroad. You are also able to immerse yourself fully in a new culture and learn the nuances of a country which you wouldn’t be able to do if you didn’t speak the language.

Modern Language Tutors in your area

Frequently Asked Questions ?

The great thing about Modern Languages is that you can excel in any career where the language you choose is spoken. It might be that a company or organisation needs a bilingual speaker to translate and work in both English and another language.

Being able to speak another language is always an asset for any employer or employee. Some of the careers you could do with language skills are:

  • Translator
  • Interpreter
  • Journalist
  • Educational Policy Advisor
  • Diplomat
  • Political Risk Analyst
  • International Aid Worker
  • English as a Foreign Language Teacher
  • Secondary School Teacher
  • Tourism Worker
  • International Publishing Contracts Executive
  • International Rights Lawyer

The main thing with learning a language is consistency and continual practice. It is estimated that it takes between 480 and 2220 hours to become fluent in a language. By working with an online tutor, they can supervise and support your learning and ensure you are achieving your maximum potential.

Online tutors can assess your skill level and tailor a plan to push and challenge your learning for you to excel at your upcoming exams. With language learning it’s important to develop all three core skills which are listening, speaking and writing; an online tutor will be able to manage your time and ensure you are developing these skills in tandem with each other.

1::1 tutoring is the most effective way to improve your language skills. In a traditional classroom setting, this is often shared with up to 30 other pupils, meaning you are unable to practice as much as you would by yourself and an online tutor

We have some of the best reviews in the country with all our expert tutors. We’ve taught hundreds of students and helped them achieve their best for their GCSEs, A-Levels, SATS, Entrance Exams and more.

Check out our reviews and testimonials to find out more about our amazing tutors.

We have a great team of tutors who specialise in teaching A-level and getting great results with former students.

If you need A-level teaching, just send us a message via the contact form and we will match you with an A-level tutor. 

Yes, we always have the capacity for adult learners. Our tutors are specially trained to help those who have been out of the learning cycle for several years.

If you need help with foundation courses, GCSE or A-levels, get in touch!

We streamline the progress to make it as easy as possible for our customers.

All you need to do is send us a message via our contact form and we will get right back to you. Just specify which subject you need and what level you require and we will get right back to you.

Yes, of course. We can put together a tailor-made tutoring package depending on what subjects you would like.

All our tutors are well-versed in all exam boards (AQA, OCR, Pearson, WJC and others). They are also able to teach IGCSE, entrance exams and all other exams depending on your requirements.

That’s not a problem. Just let us know what area you are in and we can arrange a home visit from one of our tutors. 


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