Unlock your Potential with Expert Tutoring, in St Ives Cambridgeshire!

Master any subject from Qualified Teachers boasting decades of experience.

  • 1-2-1 lesson prices between £45-£60 per hour
  • Stuck between lessons? Our AI  tutors can help you 24/7!
  • Unsure if online learning will work or want to book a free lesson to try it? Click below

We have 100’s of 5 star reviews, check out one below

Louis’ GCSE Maths tutor, Tara was excellent and has really helped him fill the gaps in his learning and prepare for his exams. She was extremely flexible with sessions that I had to move around and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her or Sandeman Tutoring.

Four reasons to go with us

1. We get results

  Experience the best in tutoring with our hand-picked, highly qualified tutors. Each with decades of teaching experience in British schools, our tutors have a proven track record of significantly improving grades. With us, you’re guaranteed top-quality lessons every time.

2. Affordable

If you’re feeling the pinch we do not feel you should miss out on top quality tuition. Our cheapest package works out as £20 per hour. 

3. Family Run

Sandeman Tutoring prides itself on being an entirely family-run. With so many large tutoring companies out there, students can often get lost in the mix.

4. Personalised learning

Personalised learning pathway which can include 1-2-1 lessons, online courses and group lessons, making it as intensive as you need or relaxed as you need.

More testimonials

Sandeman Tutoring

Tutoring in St Ives,

Family-owned tutoring business delivering high-quality lessons
to students locally and nationally
-Maths tutors
-English tutors
-Physics tutors
-Computer Science tutors
-Chemistry tutors
-Biology tutors
-Science tutors
 -Humanities tutors
 Language (Spanish, German or French) tutors
-All subjects in uk curriculum – please enquire if not listed


See below our 5-star reviews From of our amazing customers. All verified on our Facebook page

My daughter had tutoring to help prepare her for school entrance exams and she had two fantastic tutors. Ritchie helped her with English and verbal reasoning, as well as interview preparation. Will helped her with math. Both tutors made her familiar with the formats of the papers she should expect and tailored the sessions to what she needed to practice. The sessions made her feel well prepared and confident for the exams and she received offers from both schools she applied to, with a small scholarship for one of them. I would happily recommend both tutors.
English tutor student
Jemma Jones
Louis’ GCSE Maths tutor, Tara was excellent and has really helped him fill the gaps in his learning and prepare for his exams. She was extremely flexible with sessions that I had to move around and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her or Sandeman Tutoring.
Dominique Horwood
Josh has been working with my son on his A level Computer Science. He is a fantastic tutor and has developed a good rapport with my son who thinks he’s really great - in my experience if a student respects their tutor they will be more willing to engage and that’s certainly what’s happened with Josh! He knows the subject well and importantly knows how to teach- he’s encouraging, thorough and supportive and we feel lucky to have found him. Highly recommended!
Janice Howard
My son started A-level computer science with Josh at Sandeman tutoring a few months ago. He has a very friendly teaching style and always takes guidance on what my son wants to cover. Some topics are quite complex & Josh is very good at breaking it down and explaining the theory in ways that are much easier to understand. The sessions have greatly improved my sons confidence in the subject and he found his last few tests at school 'easy' which for me as a parent is always great to hear. It's awful when your child is struggling, and mine was, but Josh has given him the support he really needed and I can't even put into words how grateful I am. The mock exams are only a few months away but with Joshs support, I know my son will do well. I would highly recommend Sandeman tutoring to anyone looking for a tutor to support their child!!!
Dervilla G
Give your child the confidence and knowledge they need
to achieve their full potential with Sandeman Tutoring.

Our tutors are all qualified teachers, ensuring students receive the best possible private lessons to benefit their further education.


With Sandeman Tutoring we offer competitively-priced tuition sessions with no hidden fees​.


Our tutors will come to you at a time that works for you, in the convenience of your home or provide online lessons if preferred.